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We’re not anti-training.

We’re pro-wellbeing.


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We’re not





Training done well enhances wellbeing (for everyone)

Most traditional dog training skips the fundamental steps that can remove a stack of work and fast track your training wins. Starting with a wellbeing led approach isn’t just fluffy and compassionate, it’s way more effective and a lot more fun to do.

In this FREE masterclass, Michelle will introduce you to our game changing 7 step wellbeing framework - plus walk you through 4 compelling myths that make training harder for everyone (so you can skip them).

This framework is practical, easy to follow, and guides you step by step on where to focus and in what order - so you don’t miss any of the quick wins traditional training skips straight by.

What the masterclass includes:

  • A framework and bonus workbook you can use with ALL your clients 
  • Exercises you can use to improve wellbeing in your training (and inject more joy)
  • 4 myths that make training harder (so you can skip them) 
  • Why emotion is the most essential piece of the training puzzle (and how to use it to your advantage)

Fill in your details below to access the masterclassÂ