Client Coaching Videos x 101
High definition, unbranded coaching videos filmed using professional camera equipment. You can customise each video with your own audio voiceover and branding if you'd like to. See below to watch some example videos.
123 Treat
Ace Free Work
ACE Set Ups
Alternative Behaviours
Back up and treat
Behavioural Responses
Body Language - Mouth
Body Language - The Tail
Body Language - Ears
Body Language- Movement
Both Ends of the Leash
Bringing Your Dog to a Stop
Changing Associations
Describing Behaviour
Discover your Dog's Favourite Treat
Ear TTouch
Emergency Situations
Exercise enrichment and play
Feeling Safe
Figure of 8 to calm
Fun to Focus
Getting Enough Sleep
Getting your dogs Attention to Move away
Goal Setting
Hazards and Risk Assessment
Holding the Lead
How long will it take?
Importance of Health Checks
Influencing Behaviour
Intro to BAT
Intro to body language
Introduction to TTouch
Is this ok for you?
Less is More
Lets Go - Emergency U Turn
Look at That - How
Look at That - why
Loose lead walking - 300 peck
Managing Access to Triggers
Managing Noise Reactivity
Managing Window Reactivity
Miracle of Management
Multi Dog Household - Managing Intra-household Reactivity
Multi Dog Household - preventing additional stress
Nervous System Responses
Nose Target to Hand
Outcomes of Behaviour
Pattern games for easy walks
Physical Clues
Power Ups for You
Practical Alternatives to walks
Practising Hazard awareness
Progress for Your Dog
Progress for You
Prompting with Noise
Prompting with Your Body
Prompting with Your Lead
Reactivity Bingo
Reactivity or Over Reaction
Reactivity to Visitors - Using Food
Reducing lead tension using sliding connections
Reframing your response
Reinforcers - What your dog likes
Relationship activities
Resilience and the Negativity Bias
Self Calming - 54321
Self Calming - breathing techniques
Slowing Down the Exit
Stopping when your Dog Stops
Stress Responses - The Four Fs
Stroking the lead
Successful stealth training
Take a Breath
Teaching a Settle
The Bucket Game
The Counting Game
The Cup Final Game
The Deconstructed Dog Walk
The Dreaded Doorbell
The Impact of diet
The Importance of Posture
The Treats Game - Positive Interrupter
Threat or Challenge Mindset
Three steps to Behavior Change
Traffic Lights for Managing Distance
Triggers and Trigger Stacking
TTouch balance lead
Turtle TTouch
Up and Down Games
Using a Long Line
Using diaries
Using What's in the Environment
Waiting at the Door
What are your dogs candles?
What causes reactivity
What Comes Before Behaviour
What Dogs Need
Why Reactivity is Hard for Us
Words Matter
Zebra TTouch

Client Coaching Handouts x 101
Fully customisable handout templates to accompany each of the coaching videos. Easily add your own branding, logo, modify the colour scheme or change the images as you choose.

Client Workbooks
Fully customisable workbook templates to support your clients. Easily add your own branding, logo, modify the colour scheme or change the images as you choose.
Observations Workbook
Training Tracker Workbook
Cup Final Tracker
Daily and Weekly Diary Book
Client Progress Tracker
Discover More About Your Dog Workbook
The 3 Accounts Game Workbook
Hazard Awareness Workbook
Setting Goals Workbook

Fully customisable ebook templates to support your clients and use in lead generation. Easily add your own branding, logo, modify the colour scheme or change the images as you choose.
Myth Busters
Mastering Loose Lead Walking
The Pitfalls of Punishment
Co-operative Care
Hidden Pain in Dogs

Game Boards
Fully customisable game boards to use with your clients to boost motivation and enhance results. Easily add your own branding, logo, modify the colour scheme or change the images as you choose.
Reactivity Bingo
The Settle Challenge

Fully customisable presentations to support your clients and use in lead generation. Easily add your own branding, logo, modify the colour scheme or change the images as you choose.
Session 1 - Understand
Session 2 - Observe
Session 3 - Reset
Session 4 - Build Confidence
Session 5 - Essential Skills
Session 6 - Grow Your Relationship
Session 7 - Connecting the Dots
Session 8 - Advance Your Skills
Session 9 - Ready for the Real World
Session 10 - What's Next?
Lead Gen Presentation - Enrichment 5 Day Challenge
Lead Gen Presentation - Loose Lead Walking Masterclass