Dog Trainer Courses


your expertise

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Dog Trainer Courses


your expertise


Reframing Reactivity
PRO Course

The most comprehensive course on dog reactivity for professionals available anywhere in the world.

Taught by reactivity specialist Janet Finlay, with special guest presentations by Sonia Catherall, this course brings together techniques from ACE, Control Unleashed, Your End of the Lead and more to give you confidence that you are getting the best results for your clients.

With live coaching and opportunities to be assessed this is ideal for those wanting to take their work to the next level.



Animal Centred Education (ACE) workshops

A series of recorded workshops introducing ACE in all its elements. Available workshops include ACE Essentials for those with no prior experience, ACEing Reactivity looking at how ACE supports dogs who find the world challenging and Geeking ACE, which looks at the science behind ACE.

These are for individual learning only and do not qualify you as an ACE Trainer or Tutor.



Tellington TTouch for Dogs

A self-paced workshop introducing all the elements of TTouch, including philosophy, observations, bodywork, wraps, lead work and confidence course. This workshop was recorded at a live in-person event and has been edited into sections for ease of use.

Includes a bonus vault of short videos introducing 22 TTouches.

These are for individual learning only and do not qualify you as a TTouch Practitioner.



Webinar Bundles

Our webinar bundles are designed to let you deep dive into important topics that matter for our dogs, ourselves and our businesses. 

These are recorded webinar sessions where Michelle and Janet explore topics like what wellbeing looks like for dogs, people and business and how we bring more choice into our dogs' lives. 



Business Strategy 101

A series of business strategy bites with Janet and Michelle to give you direction and momentum

This focused mini course will take you through the key steps to establishing and running a successful business so you can see where you need to focus - all in bite-sized video lessons.