Welcome to Reframing Reactivity,

Our flagship education
programme on canine
reactivity for professionals

Wellbeing FocusedSupporting both ends of the leadForce-free & HolisticCertification Available Active CommunityUnique Approach

Welcome to Reframing Reactivity,

Our flagship education
programme on canine
reactivity for professionals

Meet Needs – Change Behaviour

Reframing Reactivity is the most comprehensive course on dog reactivity for professionals available anywhere in the world. Taught by reactivity specialist Janet Finlay, with special guest presentations by Sonia Catherall, this course brings together techniques from ACE, Control Unleashed, Your End of the Lead and more to give you confidence that you are getting the best results for your clients.

As with everything we do at HeartDog, this course is built around meeting the needs of the dog - and guardian - before we teach the dog new behaviours. We will show you how to work through the different steps in the Wellbeing Framework to support your clients and their dogs, addressing their physical, emotional, mental and social needs as well as environmental factors. We will give you a practical understanding of three of the educational approaches that are most valuable for working with reactivity: ACE, Control Unleashed and Choice-Based Training.

Stand out from the crowd by showing your clients and colleagues you have the required skills and knowledge to work reactivity cases with excellent results.

Supporting Both Ends of the Lead

We recognise that we cannot help the dog if we do not first support the human guardian. So Reframing Reactivity considers the needs of both ends of the lead and offers practical tools to help human clients shift how they feel about their dog's behaviour so that they can be more effective at supporting them.

With our unique programme, you will not only be able to relieve reactivity in the dog but in their person as well!

Supporting Both Ends of the Lead

We recognise that we cannot help the dog if we do not first support the human guardian. So Reframing Reactivity considers the needs of both ends of the lead and offers practical tools to help human clients shift how they feel about their dog's behaviour so that they can be more effective at supporting them.

With our unique programme, you will not only be able to relieve reactivity in the dog but in their person as well!

Reframing Reactivity Pro Course

What is in the Modules?

What's in the Modules?



Unravelling Reactivity
  • Understanding Reactivity
  • Reactivity and the Client
  • Safety - The Crux of the Matter
  • The HeartDog Wellbeing Framework



Grounded Humans
  • Changing Mindset
  • Posture and Physiology
  • Limiting Beliefs & Negativity
  • Effective Self Care



Understanding Dogs
  • Rethinking Trigger Stacking
  • ACE Observations: Be a Dog Detective
  • Words and Labels
  • The Needs and Wants of the Dog
  • The Dog's LEGS


Rethinking Walks
  • The Deconstructed Dog Walk
  • Understanding Threshold
  • Equipment and Leading Techniques
  • Learning Loose Lead Walking



Handling Hazards
  • Hazard Awareness
  • Dealing with Other People
  • Managing the Emotional Response
  • Practical Survival Strategies
  • Managing Meltdowns


Training for Wellbeing
  • Training or Education?
  • Rethinking Quadrants
  • Emotion-Driven Training
  • Choice-Based Training



ACE Freework
  • Why ACE Works
  • Getting Started with Freework
  • Freework for Self Regulation
  • Inviting Engagement
  • ACE and Reactivity


Control Unleashed (Sonia Catherall)
  • Introducing Control Unleashed
  • Self Regulation: Take a Breath
  • Safety First: Pattern Games & Whiplash
  • Shifting Emotions: LAT through to LATTE


Goals Setting & Practice
  • Training Pyramid: Regulation, Life Skills, Relationship, Triggers
  • Goals: GROW, SMART
  • Effective Practice is Reflective
  • Bonuses: TTouch, Stealth Training


Supporting our Clients
  • Recording Progress
  • Effective Coaching
  • Assessment & Consultation Models
  • Virtual Reactivity Training


Plus BONUS Masterclasses and LIVE support

In Reframing Reactivity You Get:


 #1 - Ten video-based modules supporting both ends of the lead with over 40 hours of content.

 #2 - Detailed coverage of key holistic approaches to working with reactivity from a wellbeing perspective including: ACE, Control Unleashed, Your End of the Lead and more!

 #3 -  Monthly live coaching calls with Janet Finlay, APDT UK 01046, ACE Instructor, author of Your End of the Lead

 #4 - Multi-disciplinary, holistic approach including behaviour science, neuroscience and physiology, ethology, transformational coaching, games research, psychology, productivity and more!

 #5 - Learn how to communicate with clients and motivate and coach them effectively.

 #6 - Interactive case studies, activities and discussions so you can practice applying your learning.

 #7 - Private Facebook Pro Community to discuss your current cases, share ideas, and get support and feedback.

 #8 - Lifetime access to course and community so you can audit the course as often as you need.

 #9 - Certificate of completion and an opportunity to complete further assessment to be approved as a HeartDog Canine Reactivity Specialist and join our referral program.


Everything you need to make a difference!

Online Group Coaching


Core to the Reframing Reactivity programme are our monthly online group coaching sessions. These give us the opportunity to examine the topics in the syllabus further, address questions, get feedback and discuss application to specific cases.

Join Reactivity Expert Dr Janet Finlay plus dozens of other colleagues to dig deep into the ideas and practices we are exploring. Everyone is entitled to attend these sessions, wherever they are in the syllabus, so the combined expertise in a typical group session on this programme is mind-blowing!

Online Group Coaching


Core to the Reframing Reactivity programme are our fortnightly (bi-weekly) Online Group Coaching sessions. These give us the opportunity to examine the topics in the syllabus further, address questions, get feedback and discuss application to specific cases.

Join Reactivity Expert Dr Janet Finlay plus dozens of other colleagues to dig deep into the ideas and practices we are exploring. Everyone who has completed the course is entitled to attend these sessions, alongside current students, so the combined expertise in a typical group session on this programme is mind-blowing!

Case Study Support

We all need a second opinion at times, a second pair of eyes on a case. Bring your own real cases to the coaching sessions or to the community grooup and see how your colleagues approach the issue. This is hugely valuable not only to get feedback on a case but also to get insights into how other professionals actually work - the stuff that is rarely shared in the industry. And this is all included.  

Case Study Support


We all need a second opinion at times, a second pair of eyes on a case. Bring your own real cases to the coaching sessions and see how your colleagues approach the issue. This is hugely valuable not only to get feedback on a case but also to get insights into how other professionals actually work - the stuff that is rarely shared in the industry. And this is all included.  

"The pro course is absolutely brilliant, this approach to working with reactivity will transform the lives of so many clients, human and dog who are struggling with reactivity. And I feel incredibly lucky to be one of the first people to take this course and be able to put it into my professional practice."

Matty Al-Irimi 

"This course literally changed the way I see dogs. I have been in the industry for almost 10 years and my understanding of dogs has gone to a level I never expected. If I could have taken this course 10 years ago I would easily be my provinces’ leading expert in reactivity."

Jodi Ruta

"The pro course is absolutely brilliant, this approach to working with reactivity will transform the lives of so many clients, human and dog who are struggling with reactivity. And I feel incredibly lucky to be one of the first people to take this course and be able to put it into my professional practice."

Matty Al-Irimi 

"This course literally changed the way I see dogs. I have been in the industry for almost 10 years and my understanding of dogs has gone to a level I never expected. If I could have taken this course 10 years ago I would easily be my provinces’ leading expert in reactivity."

Jodi Ruta

Reframing Reactivity is perfect for you if:

  • You care deeply about dogs and people and want to make a real, practical difference that changes their lives in a significant way.

  • You are committed to supporting your reactivity clients and their dogs from a place of wellbeing for all and you want to support them to live in harmony together. 

  • You know we are all always learning and relish the idea of being part of an active, learning community of your peers.

  • You are open-minded, curious and willing to be challenged so that you can provide the best possible service to those you want to support.

  • You want your clients to follow through and you can see what is possible for them and their dogs so you are ready to master new coaching skills to help them make progress.

  • You are looking for a safe place to expand your knowledge and to connect with like-minded colleagues.

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You care deeply about dogs and people and want to make a real, practical difference that changes their lives in a significant way.

  • You are committed to supporting your reactivity clients and their dogs from a place of wellbeing for all and you want to support them to live in harmony together. 

  • You know we are all always learning and relish the idea of being part of an active, learning community of your peers.

  • You are open-minded, curious and willing to be challenged so that you can provide the best possible service to those you want to support.

  • You want your clients to follow through and you can see what is possible for them and their dogs so you are ready to master new coaching skills to help them make progress.

  • You are looking for a safe place to expand your knowledge and to connect with like-minded colleagues.


Become an Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist


Who doesn't love a badge? Something to display on your website to show the world that you have worked hard to develop your expertise and to show what you stand for. 

Our HeartDog Approved Specialist scheme gives you just that - and you get a listing on our website so people landing there know which practitioners we recommend. 

And you don't get this just for showing up. You don't even get this for completing the course and its multiple choice assessments (you will get a Certificate of Completion for that). To qualify for Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist you need to submit three detailed case studies showing how you have applied your learning over multiple sessions with a client and their dog.

We want your clients to have confidence in your practical as well as your theoretical abilities!

Become an Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist

Who doesn't love a badge? Something to display on your website to show the world that you have worked hard to develop your expertise and to show what you stand for. 

Our HeartDog Approved Specialist scheme gives you just that - and you get a listing on our website so people landing there know which practitioners we recommend. 

And you don't get this just for showing up. You don't even get this for completing the course and its multiple choice assessments (you will get a Certificate of Completion for that). To qualify for Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist you need to submit three detailed case studies showing how you have applied your learning over multiple sessions with a client and their dog.

We want your clients to have confidence in your practical as well as your theoretical abilities!

Designed and Led by
Dr Janet Finlay

Renowned author and reactivity specialist 

Janet has been working with reactivity cases for over 25 years and is well-known in the dog industry for her work on the human side of reactivity.

Over recent years she has been more and more focused on looking first at the needs of the dog (and the human) before ever considering training or behaviour modification.

After many years working with guardians both online and in person, she now focuses on working with other professionals to help them develop a holistic approach to their work. 

She is an ACE Instructor, a member of the APDT UK (01046), a TTouch Practitioner Level 3 and a Level 7-qualified coach for people.

Facilitated by
Dr Janet Finlay

Renowned author and reactivity specialist 

Janet has been working with reactivity cases for over 25 years and is well-known in the dog industry for her work on the human side of reactivity.

Over recent years she has been more and more focused on looking first at the needs of the dog (and the human) before ever considering training or behaviour modification.

After many years working with guardians both online and in person, she now focuses on working with other professionals to help them develop a holistic approach to their work. 

She is an ACE Instructor, a member of the APDT UK (01046), a TTouch Practitioner Level 3 and a Level 7-qualified coach for people.

What are you waiting for?

Join us on the next intake of Reframing Reactivity and change the way you work for the better. Enrolment opens again in September 2024. Click below to be notified when we open. 

No spam. We don't like it either.

What are you waiting for?

Join us for the next intake of Reframing Reactivity and change the way you work for the better.



3 monthly payments

  • Immediate access to the first modules of the Reframing Reactivity course to work ahead then full access as course gets underway in 2024.
  • Attend our group coaching calls from January for support including on your own cases. 
  • Transcripts, audio files and slides for most module sessions. 
  • Membership of the Reframing Reactivity Facebook community
  • Life time access and the opportunity to re-audit the course.
  • Certificate of Completion and the opportunity to qualify as a HeartDog Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist.



  • Immediate access to the first modules of the Reframing Reactivity course to work ahead then full access as course gets underway in 2024.
  • Attend our group coaching calls from January for support including on your own cases. 
  • Transcripts, audio files and slides for most module sessions. 
  • Membership of the Reframing Reactivity Facebook community
  • Life time access and the opportunity to re-audit the course.
  • Certificate of Completion and the opportunity to qualify as a HeartDog Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist.



Save £440

  • Immediate access to the first modules of the Reframing Reactivity course to work ahead then full access as course gets underway in 2024.
  • Attend our group coaching calls from January for support including on your own cases. 
  • Transcripts, audio files and slides for most module sessions. 
  • Membership of the Reframing Reactivity Facebook community
  • Life time access and the opportunity to re-audit the course.
  • Certificate of Completion and the opportunity to qualify as a HeartDog Approved Canine Reactivity Specialist.



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions